Saturday, June 4, 2011

Arrival in Islamabad

The trip from Abu Dhabi was long and my flight arrived into Islamabad at about 3:00am. Customs was pretty easy given that I had already obtained my visa – single-entry only, so no leaving the country and re-entering. I had hoped to travel into India on this trip (as the boarder is only 15 miles away), but that will have to wait for another trip.

Waiting for luggage produced what seems to be a consistent result given a few recent trips – I made it, but my luggage did not. We shall see if it arrives at all. If not, I will have lots of new clothes made in Pakistan….

My contacts from USEFP (United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan), which coordinates Fulbright travelers into Pakistan) were at the airport. A driver and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (same family name as the former governor and also the name of the Islamabad airport). Zulfiqar is pretty interesting. He studied music anthropology at university (in Islamabad) and has only visited the United States once – to Austin, Texas, the music capital of the country! We drove to the USEFP “safe house” in Islamabad where I would be able to crash for a few hours before having to travel to Lahore later today.

The ride to the house was interesting. It was pitch black on the highway – no street lights. There were a few trucks on the road and a random car here and there. One small truck was broken down on the highway – stopped right in the middle of the road – no shoulders to pull over. We came upon our first security police check point with barricades, barriers (large red and white I-beam looking barriers that were also all over the airport). Armed guard were everywhere and looking into the car windows. I was too tired to be nervous – just wanted to find a bed to sleep in.

We made it to the safe house and pulled into the guarded gates. Two armed guards opened the gates and the house manager greeted us. I was in bed quickly – after hand-washing my underwear and socks, of course. I hope they dry before I have to get up at 9:00am. If not, then I suppose I will just have to deal with it…. There are worse things in life than wearing wet underwear and socks….

1 comment:

  1. Whenever my relatives took flights to islamabad they must stay in our home as my home is near Margla hills from where they can enjoy tracking and climbing.
