Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day One - June 1, 2011

At the airport ready to travel to Chicago, then to Abu Dhabi, then to Islamabad and then to Lahore. But, I may not make my connection in Chicago since I only have 30 minutes to find my international flight! Oh well, may have to spend a night in Chicago....

Instead of having my security briefing in Islamabad, I will be staying for one night in Islamabad and then flying to Lahore for my briefing. Then on to Foreman Christian College to work with the Rector, Dr. Peter Armacost for a month.

Excited, nervous and ready to learn about Pakistan!

1 comment:

  1. Wow David, what an adventure!! I am so excited for you, and to continue to read your blog as you make your way through Pakistan :)
