Sunday, June 5, 2011

Family Lunch - June 5

Today, I had the pleasure of visiting with Asim Albert's family and was able to have lunch with them. They made an incredible vegetarian lunch (for yours truly, although they will tell you that Pakistanis love to eat meat).

The group included Asim, his wife and their two children, as well as Asim's parents and two younger cousins as well as two young American's (Benjie and Brian) who are living with them for one year on a foundation grant that allows them to work in social enterprise organizations (clients of their home companies). It was a terrific and hospitable way to spend the day off campus and get to know a local family from Lahore.

After lunch, I went to the airport to collect my baggage (which was flown in from Islamabad). But, because of bureaucratic complications between two airlines (Pakistani International Airlines (PIA) flew the bag to Lahore for me, but Etihad actually lost the bag, so PIA would not release it to me - they need to transfer it to Etihad, which had no staff present at the airport), I was unable to collect it today. Perhaps tomorrow....

Incidentally, the common name for PIA is "Prayer in the Air Airlines." Nice. I wasn't aware of that prior to flying PIA from Islamabad to Lahore....

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