Friday, June 17, 2011

Here are a couple more photos of my life in Pakistan. The house is a campus home for faculty and staff - and you can see the little bit of American culture over the fence, i.e., a basketball hoop!
The photo of the Prometric Testing Center sign shows where I have been working with the USEFP. The "Metric" is the national standardized test that all students take to attend univeristy, similar to our SAT/ACT. This is where students come to take the test (as well as the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, etc. if they want to study in the United States).

1 comment:

  1. All the pictures are wonderful and the experience seems really amazing! I'm glad all has gone well for you. I know Donna is excited about you moving our way! Just spoke to Donna and we already have a road trip planned to visit you when you arrive in Richmond. Looking forward to seeing you guys again!
    Pat (Donna's naughty "witch" friend :))
