Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Few Interesting Items

I learned quite a bit today about higher education in Pakistan and specifically about FC College. This institution is remarkable in so many ways. As a "Christian" college in a Muslim nation, it educates "minorities" who not have other comfotable places to learn.

The country is comprised of only about 5% religious minorities whereas FC College has roughly 750 Christian students in a student body of over 5,000 - or about 15% of the campus (triple the national average). This institution has a long history and reputation to provide an outstanding education for those of all faiths - to come and learn without fear.

And, the current Rector is committed so strongly to the mission of this institution that he travels and works globally to educate others about the value of an institution like FC College to a country like Pakistan. And, he left retirement in the United States to come and work here!

To learn more about this amazing place, visit:

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