Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wagah - Berlin Wall of Asia

The Wagah border between Pakistan and India is about 35 minutes from Lahore. It is often called the "Berlin wall of Asia" and is an important crossing for several reasons.

Quick history lesson: Pakistan was once part of India, but they separated and are not the best of friends these days....

I traveled with a few friends (old and new) to this ceremonial border where each evening since 1959 there is a ceremony called "lowering of the flags." There is a very energetic ceremony by soldiers on both sides of the border where they show the pride of their respective nation.

We attended with a few VIPs and were invited to tour the grounds and walk right up to the border (about 12" from the Indian border) and then were invited to a special seating area and offered tea, juice and water (which was great, since it was again extremely hot).

Here are some photos from the ceremony (which was spectacular)....

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