Saturday, June 4, 2011

Arrival in Lahore - June 3

Upon my arrival (still without luggage and beginning to have a bit of an odor, I must admit), I was greeted by James (our driver) and Assim, the Chief Fiscal Officer for Foreman Christian College (or “FC College” as it is known in Pakistan). The driver could not find our car, which was a bit comical since I figured my bag travel luck had followed me to Lahore and the car had been stolen. No worries, though, he eventually found it. Lahore is a bit warm – about 110 degrees in the sun. I was told it was a normal or cool day. Lovely.

On the way to FC College, we stopped so that I could use an ATM and get some local currency. Wasn’t I surprised when the ATM machine took my bank card with a polite note, “come back in two days if you want your bank card back.” Double lovely. No luggage, no clean clothes and now no money or bank card. Well, life is all about how you handle adversity, right? Fortunately, I was able to have some money wired from the United States to hold me over until I can get my bank card back in hand (hopefully tomorrow).

My new host, Roy Menzez, the office manager for FC College’s Rector (i.e., President in American terms) escorted me to the local bank to get my wired funds and then took me shopping to get some clean clothes (as I believe my scent was making him a bit lightheaded). I purchased two nice dress shirts, two pairs of slacks (which were fitted for me on the spot), socks, t-shirts and underwear for 9,000 PKR (roughly $100). I was waited on by three nice salesmen and was treated very well. The store had an amazing selection of clothing and traditional Pakistani garments (which look amazingly comfortable to wear). With new clothes in hand, I traveled back to campus to have dinner with the Rector.

The Rector, Dr. Peter Armacost, is an American who served as the president of Eckerd College in Florida and has had a distinguished career in higher education, having served on a number of boards (including the SunTrust board) and having worked all over the world. His wife, Dr. Mary Linda Armacost, is an amazing woman who has served as the president of two American colleges and is now on faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. Peter invited me to dinner at his home, preceded by a couple glasses of scotch. A wonderful evening all around….

Peter escorted me to my on-campus house – House # 27. It is a one-bedroom home with a full kitchen, living room, dining room, large bathroom, backyard, screened porch, and laundry room. And, of course, is surrounded by high walls and gates, which I was instructed to lock with a padlock before I went to bed.

All in all, an interesting trip thus far…. Tomorrow, we will try to retrieve my ATM card at the local bank and then take a tour of campus. I’m excited to get to work.

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